Digital Healthcare System

A centralized database of doctors that makes it easy for patients to find doctors nearby.

healthcare app


Web & Mobile App




.Net, Android & iOS



About Finder

This app has done wonders for patients looking to communicate digitally with their physicians. It is revolutionizing the way people view the modern healthcare sector. This “Patient Connect mobile application” helps you find nearby doctors and remind you when it’s time to take your medicine! This prevents users from forgetting or missing a scheduled visit with their medical professional.


The Challenge

  • The most difficult task involved implementing the Google Calendar and notifications.
  • Another major obstacle entailed developing a content-based social integration of this platform to connect doctors and patients flawlessly.
  • Create a cluster view or multi-language feature which would provide greater engagement for our users/patients.
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Key Features

The app comprises many features. Here is the list of some of the features:

  • Google calendar and notifications.
  • Text and video chatting 
  • Multi-language support
  • A forum to answer questions of patients.
  • Patient to patient chatting option

The Outcome

Our software engineering team developed an efficient healthcare app for patients to easily connect with their worried doctors and receive speedy check-ups. With the help of this application, we also offer an online appointment booking service that caters to patients’ needs. To ensure high-quality and user-friendly design, we deployed different advanced features while ensuring that both aspects – design and development work together.


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